[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=109762703 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff]

An immediate smile was unavoidable as soon as I heard T0W3RS (yes, those numbers are intentional). Derek Torres is fluent in addictive pop-sensible tracks…on shrooms. Hating ourselves for being so late to the game, with the release of his debut album last year, TL;DR is unique in its sound, and necessary in its presence on all your playlists.

You can hate me when I’m gone”, sings Torres (on our favorite track The Situation”), but I don’t think we ever will.

We’re stoked to see him perform at CMJ, and so should you! Piano’s 10/15 The Delancey 10/16 Cameo Gallery  10/17


CEREAL PAIRING Cap’n Crunch Oops! All Berries…two bowls!
