le-villejuif-undergroundLe Villejuif Underground is a group fronted by Nathan Roche, an Australian living in Villejuif, a small commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. Before the move, Roche was everywhere in the Australia music scene, where he was a member of Marf Loth, Camperdown & Out, and Home Run just to name a few. Backed by local musicians, Roche’s Le Villejuif Underground project makes music that is reminiscent to Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground.

On The Seine takes place right after a druggy escapade that results in Roche waking up by the Seine, a river in Paris. In his spot-on replication of Lou Reed’s cool drawl, Roche sings about experiencing withdrawal symptoms when he isn’t on stage playing music. As he pans in and out of conscience, Roche gives vague indications that he knows where he ended up. This hazy trip wouldn’t be complete without its psychedelics, replete with sedated and skewed instruments, stricken with the second hand high.

The track is from Le Villejuif Undergrounds self-titled debut, now out on SDZ Records.

Cereal Pairing: Wheaties and listen to Coney Island Baby after

