Dan Rico (Ego, MAMA) has released his self-produced LP, Endless Love. The title track off the 12-banger album is the perfect introduction to Rico’s solo adventure.

With a vintage flair and a timeless vocal, Rico’s garage-pop tune is 2 quick minutes of feel-good music, that end way too soon. The guitar-driven melodies and raw vocals create an undeniably unique sound that places Rico nowhere near genre defined lines.

so much has changed, you were my one and my only it felt so great, but now it don’t feel so great

Endless Love is available on vinyl (only) as a co-release from Shit In Can Records (Annecy, France) and Maximum Pelt (Chicago).

Cereal Pairing: c_179 Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs, because that’s how we feel listening to Dan Rico.


The love never ends - check out Rico’s video for Casual Feeling” below.
