[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1325253338 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff track=828613479]

cross countryIf post-grunge was just everything after Nirvana, then I suppose post-slacker rock is just everything that came after Pavement. I just made a genre up, boom.

The Oxford, Ohio based Cross Country, is a group fronted by its brainchild, Ezra Saulnier. Their debut, Breakfast, was recorded from the spring to early fall of this year with the help of a few friends. The current iteration consists of John Clooney, who played bass on the record, Emily and Thom.

Taking long languid strides, the brittle guitars are reminiscent to disorienting hooks of Antelope. The playful instrumentation is inviting but it’s lackadaisical temper gives the track a disjointed feel that’s a staple in that slacker” sound.
