Article-4625381-andrewstjamesIn the past month, Andrew St. James has been churning out loads of new music, and it should definitely not go unnoticed. The San Francisco singer-songwriter has been praised for singing about shit that matters, with a voice that’ll make you listen.

interviewed James almost a year ago on his last album, The Shakes, and those words have yet to waver. Over the past couple of months, Andrew has released tracks like _“I’ll See You Next Week, __Sway,”Millennial Malaise,_ and Dangerous Love. Equally addicting, but incomparably unique, each song holds such a weight, it’s somewhat impossible to imagine the combined effect an upcoming album will have.

Despite the sleu of options James has given us, Drowning River Blues spoke to us a little more. The unexpected degree of haunting vocals, undertones of southern gothic, a hint of celtic charm, and the heaviness of lyrics like,I swear tonight, they’re gonna kill me//I’m gonna die alone”, James paints a nightmare of a picture - in the best way possible.


We’re stoked to be seeing Andrew back in NYC this month, so come swoon with us.


Cereal Pairing: Count Chocula, for that scarily haunting thing.
